API / WordPress Plug-in
Ketahui cara integrate website anda dengan payment gateway RaudhahPay

Firstly, login into your WordPress, open the plugin tab and search for Raudhah Pay For Woocommerce in the search tab or click here. After that install the plugin.

After that, activate the RaudhahPay plugin (In the picture, the plugin was already activated).

Navigate to WooCommerce >> settings >> payments >> RaudhahPay and click “Manage”.

For production purposes, use this link in the service URL: https://api.raudhahpay.com/api
For sandbox/staging purposes, please use this link instead: https://stg-api.raudhahpay.com/api
Please bear in mind that the account in RaudhahPay’s production can’t be used for RaudhahPay’s sandbox/staging and vice versa. You can register here.
Insert RaudhahPay’s service URL according to your intended purpose, your API Access token, API Signature Key and Collection ID then click “Save changes”.

In the Raudhah Pay website, Take your API Access token and API Signature Key in the organization setup tab (API).

For the Webhook and Redirect URL, change the highlighted URL with your website domain name.
Webhook URL is using the POST method, to notify the user about the transaction.
Redirect URL is using the GET method, to redirect the user to the FPX page.

On the Raudhah Pay website, Take your Collection ID code in Collections & Bills.